Dear GW alumni and friends,

For those of you I have not met, my name is Jackie Wood and I came to the George Washington University after serving as chief development officer for the National Academy of Medicine and the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine. I have been privileged to spend my career at the intersection of donors’ generosity and education, research, and patient care, and I often am reminded about the power of philanthropy. Recently, I met the two inaugural Akman Innovation Fund Scholars — Shaitalya Vellanki, MD, internal medicine resident, and Wyn Dobbs, MD Class of ’23 — whose research projects in cardio-renal care and COVID-induced asthma wouldn’t be possible without philanthropy.
Alumni, faculty, and friends are also stepping-up to mentor and counsel our students. I remain inspired by the grit and selfless service of our alumni and faculty as we’ve navigated through the challenges of the past few years.
After nearly two years of virtual and hybrid engagement, we are thrilled to be traveling again to visit with alumni and friends, and we are welcoming visitors back to Foggy Bottom. As we enter the school’s bicentennial year, we look forward to reconnecting with you, either in person or virtually. Of note, on the weekend of Nov. 9–11, 2023, we will welcome the medical classes of 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, and 2018 back to campus for Reunion Weekend. Please join us! If you are coming to campus or have ideas about how you would like to be engaged, reach out to me and my team via email at We want to hear from you.
Engagement and support from our alumni and friends will continue to be a critical driver to the work that is done at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Philanthropy enables the school to award scholarships; recruit world class faculty such as Julie Bauman, MD, MPH, and LaQuandra S. Nesbitt, MD, MPH; support our diversity pathway programs; and catalyze innovation through research acceleration funds.
Thank you for your service, your generosity, and your grit.
Jackie Wood
Associate Vice President, Development and Alumni Relations
Health & Medicine
SMHS Council of Advisors
Stuart S. Kassan, MD ’72, FACP, MACR, Co-Chair
Distinguished Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Colorado-Denver School of Medicine; Chief Medical Officer, Multispecialty Physician Partners
Lara S. Oboler, MD ’95, Co-Chair
Cardiology; Lenox Hill Heart & Vascular Institute
Christopher L. Barley, MD ’93
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Cornell/Weill School of Medicine
Constance Urciolo Battle, MD ’67, FAAP
Pediatrics and Public Health
Carlos R. Diaz, MD ’72, RESD ’75
President and Owner, Aeromedical Services
Clinical Professor of Medicine, GW SMHS; Director, Allergy & Sinus Center, The GW Medical Faculty Associates
Thomas E. Flynn, MD ’86
Ellsworth Uveitis & Retina Care
Jeanne G. Holzgrefe, MD ’96, PhD, MPH
Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, GW SMHS; Chevy Chase Psychiatric Services
Floyd Alexander Katske, MD ’76, RESD ’77
Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
Jay E. Katzen, MD ’72, BA ’67
Ophthalmologist, the Eye Center
Munr Kazmir, MD
CEO, Direct Meds USA
Kerry L. Kuhn, MD ’73, RESD ’77, BA ’70, FACOG
Private Practice; Senior Vice President of VitalMD
Gerald S. Lazarus, MD ’63
John C. Pan, MD ’70, RESD ’74
Founder, Center for Integrative Medicine, GW SMHS
Smita H. Patel, MD, DFAPA
Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, GW SMHS
Daniel P. Shepard, MD ’96
Ophthalmologist, Shepard Eye Center
Art B. Wong, MD ’67
Founder, Emergency Physicians Medical Group, PC
The GW SMHS Council of Advisors offers the dean of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences recommendations on strategic priorities and important issues for the school, and provides generous support and advocacy.